Friday 11.13.09
After visiting Amity fire company we set out towards our destination just outside of Buffalo, NY. On the way there we would be stopping at another LODD in Dushore,PA. We were able to stop and drop off cd's at several firehouses along the way. We arrived in Dushore around 7pm. A small town that appeared to roll up in the evenings. We located the firehouse and there was no one there. This was typical for a lot of the volunteer companies that we visit. However, God always provides means for us to come in contact with someone that can help. We started to ride around the town to look for a vehicle with a fire department tag so we could stop and try to make contact. We noticed a gentleman walking down the street and stopped to ask if he knew of anyone we could contact. He gave us a name that sounded familiar. It happened to be the Chief of the department. We knew the name because it is listed on the information that we receive about the LODD. He gave us directions to his house. Before we tried to find his house Art suggested trying the local hardware store. (There is always a volunteer fireman that works at the local hardware store) As we made our way back around the block towards the hardware store we saw a truck and a man walking towards the door at the firehouse. We were able to catch him and found that he was the Chief. Amazing!, I know. These are the type of things that happen every trip! We had driven several hundred miles to a tiny town in PA, no one new we were coming, we drive around the block a couple times, stop and ask directions, and then just happen to run into the Chief. You can't keep seeing stuff like this and not believe that God is responsible. We are able to use these stories when we make other visits to share about our Lord and tell others of his mightiness. They help plant that seed that we pray will someday result in a conversion. Praise God for all the little miracles that he does each and everyday! Alright back to the visit, we got to spend a little time with the Chief as he told us how great Bill was. They were very close friends and had been for some time. In fact he was with him when he died. They had responded to a call the night before and the next day were traveling to a job site. The Chief was a General Contractor and Bill did subcontracting for him. Bill was traveling in a work van behind the Chief when he began feeling ill. They had to pull off realizing that Bill was experiencing a heart attack. Bill died on his way to work as a result of the heart attack. We thanked the Chief for sharing and prayed with him before heading out to the next stop.